Children's Roles and Responsibilities
St Clement's Head boy and Head girl
Our Head boy is Liam
Our Head girl is Isla
St Clement's School Council
Every class elects two member to represent the class on the school council. The school council meet regularly with Miss Mclean to discuss events and new ideas within school. They are the voice of the children and select projects that they feel will support the children of St Clement's and their local community.
One of the school's projects this year is to have more sporting events- we have already taken part in a tag rugby event through Worcestershire Schools Partnership.
Wellbeing Leaders
10 of our year 6 children are trained as Well-being leaders. They meet regularly with Miss Gray to discuss how they can support wellbeing across the school. The leaders have a rota at lunchtime where they do different activities with children. The wellbeing leaders also speak to children during breaktime and lunchtime to ensure that the children are ok. The children lead on different worships and come together as a group to celebrate and inform pupils and staff on mental health day/mental health week.
Sport Leaders
We have 15 sport leaders, who have been trained, to deliver safe and meaningful activities at lunchtime and break time. The children lead the session and offer to a range of year groups throughout the week.
Reading Ambassadors
A select number of Year 6 children can apply each year to be Reading Ambassadors. They volunteer their lunchtime to sit alongside a focus child within Key Stage 1 and act as a reading 'buddy'. Each child gets the opportunity to practise their phonics with some fun flashcards, read a book appropriate to their stage and enjoy a story time with their older peer.
The children love the opportunity to work alongside each other and the progress is phenomenal.
Collective Worship group
We have a Worship group at St Clement's who work closely with the Worship lead, Mrs Mason (AHT) and Sarah Cotrill from St Clement's Church. They meet regularly to discuss ideas for the school but also to plan and deliver Worship including harvest festival, Christmas and Easter.