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St Clement's CofE Primary

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Meals and Snacks

St Clement's recognises the importance of healthy eating and encourage eating a balanced and nutritious diet. We ask parents not to include fizzy drinks, sweets or solid chocolate bars in your child's lunch box. We are a 'nut aware' setting with procedures in place to minimise the risk of exposure to nuts.



The children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 will be offered a piece of fruit or vegetable on a daily basis and milk is available if you would like to purchase it from the link below.

Children across school can bring in a snack of fruit or vegetables for break time.



Children have the option of bringing a packed lunch or ordering a hot school lunch.

All school meals are now ordered and paid for through Eat Smart Educatering. 

This includes Children in years Reception, 1 and 2 who are entitled to Universal Free School meals and children on Free School Meals. If you don’t want a meal on any day, please tick 'no meal'.

Please go to the website below and order direct from our caterer.

