Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Termly Overview
Please find below a termly overview, which details the subjects and content your child will cover each term.
Autumn Term Overview
Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers
- Year 6 Music How can music lift spirits in hard times?
- Year 6 ART How can I interpret illusion through imagery?
- Year 6 Geography How is the rainforest changing and are we responsible?
- Year 6 DT Explore understanding of food- Meat and meat alternatives
- Year 6 Computing 3D Modelling
- Year 6 Computing Variables in Games
- Year 6 Music How can music express a story?
- Year 6 History How did WW2 affect people’s daily lives in different places?
- Year 6 Science How does the heart drive the circulatory system?
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers
- Year 6 Art How can we learn how to use the techniques of different artists to create effective illusion in a painting?
- Year 6 Music What are the stylistic features of samba music?
- Year 6 DT Mechanisms- Rube Goldberg machines
- Year 6 Geography What is global trade?
- Year 6 Computing Be Internet Kind
- Year 6 Music How is music used to enhance a film?
- Year 6 History How have the rights of Black people changed throughout history?
- Year 6 Science How are light and sight linked?
- Year 6 Science What happens to a circuit when you change components?
Summer Term Knowledge Orgaisers
- Year 6 Art How can we learn to combine a range of materials to create an effective abstract sculpture of a figure?
- Year 6 Computing Sphero
- Year 6 Computing What is inside a computer?
- Year 6 Music World Music Heritage How is music different around the world and how has it changed over time?
- Year 6 Music How can we celebrate using music?
- Year 6 History What power do individuals have to bring about change?
- Year 6 Geography How can we make our local area more sustainable?
- Year 6 Science How do we classify plants and animals?
- Year 6 Science How have animals survived in changing environments?