The children and staff at St Clement’s Church of England Primary School share a love of learning about other religions and why people choose or choose not to follow a religion. Our vision and values mean the children respect all beliefs and develop the confidence to celebrate and share their own views. Through their R.E. learning, the children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world. Children are continually developing an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life and worship, which they are then able to communicate to the wider community.
Teachers have access to an extensive range of CPD and we use our staff skills and expertise to support each other in developing a progressive curriculum. We evaluate our curriculum through rigorous evidence from pupil voice, questionnaires, lesson visits, book scrutinies, staff meetings and discussions. Staff have developed strong, supportive working relationships, leading to a confident and quality approach to the teaching and delivering of RE.
Our assessment strategies (formative and summative) show clear progression throughout the children’s learning journey at St Clement’s. Children are aware of their next steps in learning through shared learning objectives when starting new sequences and lessons, verbal and written feedback, parent’s evenings and school reports. Staff can clearly track progression through our assessment systems and transition meetings before the start of each school year.
Children leave St Clement’s with the knowledge, skills and attitude they need to be able to continue a successful life journey. Our school vision and values give them the tools they need to continue living their lives to the full and meeting their full potential, while encouraging and supporting those around them to do the same.