CEO blog
Keeping pupils’ learning at the heart of everything we do
This week, the government announced amendments to the Year 6 SATs for May 2021 and stated that, until April 2021, Ofsted monitoring visits will take place for category schools only. Both of these changes have been welcomed by our heads. Obviously, accountability remains paramount and internal moderation across the trust will remain unaffected. In fact, on Wednesday evening, I was lucky enough to witness first-hand our internal moderation process in action via Teams.
As I listened in, I was (once again) awed and inspired by the energy and professionalism of staff as they focused on discussing and moderating pupils’ work from across the trust whilst sharing ideas and specific examples with colleagues from all trust schools. It was a fantastic opportunity for our new colleagues from Summerhill Primary Academy and Jubilee Park Academy to meet staff from our other schools (albeit virtually) and to contribute to this rigorous process.
At the end of a long term, the enthusiasm of staff on Wednesday evening was wonderful to see - a reminder to us all that, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, pupils’ learning remains at the heart of everything we do.
Have a good weekend,