CEO blog - Exciting News!
I have some exciting news to share with you this week! I am delighted to report that our application to open a brand-new, purpose-built, alternative provision primary school has been successful. This much-needed provision will open in the Wyre Forest area of Worcestershire in September 2022.
I firmly believe that collaboration is crucial to ensure a successful educational experience for all pupils at our new school and we have begun as we mean to go on. We have started to engage with stakeholders and are already benefitting from the expert knowledge and experience of local headteachers and external professionals in designing the interior of the building.
Having previously opened a brand-new school in September 2019, I am only too aware of the highs and lows of a process that ranges from sourcing quiet hand dryers and keeping the builders well supplied with homemade cakes to designing the curriculum! However, just imagining how different this bare site will look when we open our doors to pupils in September 2022 excites and invigorates me for the challenges ahead. Bring it on! The benefits for pupils, families and schools across Worcestershire will be worth any sleepless nights that I may have over the next two years!
Kate Brunt