CEO blog - Lockdown Learning
Once again, I am amazed and awed by the way in which staff have adapted so quickly and professionally to the new situation we find ourselves in this term. As always, supporting our pupils safely, both academically and emotionally, remains our priority.
Obviously, we have all learnt from our experience of the previous lockdown. In our schools, this ‘lockdown learning’ is directly influencing everything we are doing to support pupils during this new lockdown period. Since our first experience of lockdown, we have invested in new software so that we are now able to offer an extensive range of online learning support, appropriately tailored to age and ability. This is in line with our determination to ensure consistency so that all pupils benefit from the same learning offer, whether learning from home or in school.
This week, it has been a privilege to watch heads delivering inspiring ‘live’ assemblies, teachers reading stories online and pupils sharing their work and experiences of lockdown life. Together, we are enabling pupils to continue their learning safely and keeping our Rivers family connected. Thank you all, staff, pupils and families, for making this possible. You are amazing!
Stay safe and stay in touch,
Kate Brunt