CEO Blog - Reading! Reading! Reading!
Reading! Reading! Reading!
I always enjoy seeing our pupils and staff dressed up as their favourite book characters on World Book Day and this year has been no exception. Despite lockdown, pupils, staff and families have been dressing up at home and in school and reading stories together in new and exciting ways! One school shared a story with over 170 pupils during an online World Book Day breakfast while, at another school, pupils enjoyed a story and hot chocolate at bedtime. Pupils across the trust have been busy making shoebox scenes from their favourite books and taking part in sponsored reads. Our final days before we reopen our doors to all pupils have been a real celebration of reading, authors, illustrators and books!
Of course, reading isn’t only important on World Book Day and, if you’re searching for something to do this weekend, I suggest that you have a look at the World Book Day website. You’ll find a wealth of online activities, games, free audiobooks, reading suggestions and videos of favourite authors and illustrators.
Have a great weekend. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday and to hearing all about your weekend of reading!
Kate Brunt