CEO blog - Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM)
As you know, I can never resist an opportunity to highlight the benefits of collaboration and, this week, I want to share a couple of examples with you. Firstly, our TATS (Trust Around the School) meetings. These meetings, introduced last year, are a great example of how working together benefits everyone. Each school has a termly TATS meeting which brings together (in a virtual space at the moment) the CEO, finance director, HR, director of operations, director of education, school improvement executive and school’s head. Already, the positive impact of these meetings can be seen at school and trust level.
Another example of the advantages of working together has been the smooth roll out across all schools of our new, online learning platform, Seesaw, which will be used for homework and remote learning in the probable event of future bubble closures. In this case, the combination of the central team’s clear overview of all schools within the trust and its ability to take strategic decisions, the inspirational work done by heads and the expertise of our School Improvement Board has benefited our whole family of schools. It may be a cliché but it’s definitely true that ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’!
Kate Brunt