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CEO's Blog - Meeting the new Education Recovery Commissioner

CEO’s Blog 23rd April 2021

Meeting the new Education Recovery Commissioner


This week, I had the honour of (virtually) meeting Sir Kevan Collins, who has recently been appointed as the government’s Education Recovery Commissioner. The purpose of his role is to oversee a programme to ensure that children and young people can recover learning lost due to the pandemic as quickly and comprehensively as possible.


It was heartening to hear Sir Kevan’s recognition of how much schools have done during the last year, both in terms of education and mental health/wellbeing, and to hear about plans for increasing resources for teacher recruitment and retention. He also outlined some exciting and innovative ways of using the school day more creatively, for example, the inclusion of enrichment activities in the middle of the day to enable all pupils to attend. His more sobering message was that there will be no quick fix; unsurprisingly, it will take a number of years to recover from the disruption of last year.


Nevertheless, there was much to feel positive about in Sir Kevan’s words and it was reassuring to hear that his approach ties in with the work going on across our trust as we continue to review and develop our ambitious curriculum framework to meet the needs of all Rivers’ pupils.


Kate Brunt


