CEO’s Blog - Working together
How wonderful to see so many happy children back in school keen to learn and to show their teachers what they have been learning at home! Staff and pupils are all enjoying working together again and there are fantastic examples of learning going on in all ten schools. A big thank you to parents/carers for supporting their children’s home learning throughout lockdown and to those who are continuing to do so.
As well as celebrating the successful return of over 75% of our eligible pupils, we are busy planning the welcome return of all pupils in September. Our bubble system is working well and this will remain in place with each bubble growing to accommodate thirty pupils. Regular handwashing and a 1m space between pupils, wherever possible, will become the new norm. We have a new, ambitious “recovery curriculum”, designed to meet pupils’ needs, and we plan to use the additional funding promised by government to narrow gaps where these have occurred.
By working collectively to share and deliver best practice across all schools, we will continue to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils whilst keeping our community safe as we move forward together.
Have a lovely weekend.
Stay safe and stay in touch,
Kate Brunt