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  • CEO Blog - The News we've all been waiting for!

    Sat 27 Feb 2021 Mrs Kate Brunt

    This week, we have the news that we’ve all been waiting for! I am delighted to report that preparations for all pupils to return to school on 8th March are well under way in our schools. There is a lot to do but there is a definite feeling of excitement in the air at the prospect of being together again! Over the past eight weeks, I have had many conversations with staff, parents, carers and pupils. Adults have spoken to me about the difficulties of juggling remote education, work and other demands and caring responsibilities as well as managing concerns for themselves and their families; pupils tell me that they just want to see their friends and teachers again! Like the sunny spring weather today, this week’s news gives us all hope for a brighter future.


    Of course, as always, the safety and wellbeing of our staff, pupils and families remain our priority. In addition to our well-established measures and routines, staff will take twice-weekly tests and risk assessments will be reviewed and updated regularly to take account of new variants and changing advice.


    With just over a week to go, I am thrilled to be able to say that I look forward to seeing you all very, very soon.


    Have a good weekend. Stay safe and stay in touch,


    Kate Brunt


  • KIT

    Fri 26 Feb 2021
  • CEO Blog - Staying Positive

    Fri 12 Feb 2021 Mrs Kate Brunt


    As we reach the end of the first half of the spring term, I want to acknowledge the positivity and energy that exists in our schools. Yes, there have been challenges during the last six weeks but the overriding feeling across the trust remains a positive one of collaboration, commitment to ensuring that all pupils receive the best possible learning opportunities and care for the safety and wellbeing of all.


    During this latest lockdown period, our pupils have continued to amaze me by their resilience, positive attitude to learning and wholehearted participation in events and activities. Since January, Rivers’ pupils have taken part in national events such as Safer Internet Day, Children’s Mental Health Week and Big Garden Birdwatch, MAT events such as Rivers’ Number Day and school and class activities such as the 100 Challenge in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Their enthusiastic and joyful participation has been wonderful to see – a lesson in positivity for us all!


    This half-term period has also been a positive and exciting time for Rivers CofE Academy Trust as we continue to work towards welcoming Cherry Orchard Primary School into our family of schools on 1st April.


    Stay positive and have a restful and safe half-term break,

  • End of half term newsletter

    Fri 12 Feb 2021
  • CEO's Blog - Children's Mental Health Week

    Fri 05 Feb 2021 Mrs Kate Brunt


    Now in its seventh year, Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week has taken on an added significance this year. In the words of Anne Longfield, England’s children’s commissioner, “Children’s mental health is going to be one of the biggest long-term challenges in dealing with the legacy of the pandemic.” As a trust, the mental health and wellbeing of our children and staff continues to be a priority and, this week, our schools wholeheartedly joined in the online games, activities and fun as a way of instigating conversations with pupils about their thoughts and feelings.


    Throughout the week, pupils engaged with assemblies, took part in relaxation sessions through Seesaw, dressed and danced to express themselves, participated in a radio interview for BBC Hereford and Worcester and learned to feel good about themselves.


    Of course, there was a serious side to all the fun and pupils also learned how to recognise the sources and signs of stress and how to be more optimistic. Overall, this week has been a great reminder to us all that we need to make time to speak to our children about their mental health and wellbeing and, more importantly, to listen to what they tell us.


    Be kind to yourselves and one another,


    Kate Brunt


  • KIT

    Fri 05 Feb 2021

